Can You Be Friends With Your Ex?
They have been a great notion about this issue where everyone takes their prefered sides but Can you Really be friends with your ex? I recently received a message from a friend of mine saying he is going through a break up and his partner calls him and say we should be friends.So I'm gonna speak out what most of you have in your mind or it's just maybe me talking to a wall.So how to react if your partner wants to stay friends?
A: Hey I think it's not working out between us and we should stay friends
B: Friends!!! I got enough friends.I don't want you to be my friend I want you to be my better half. How could you do this
Yeah sounds familiar?'s just me? owh okay.Do you know how many ex-girlfriends which I'm friends with? The answer is Zero.It's not practical or realistic Or it's just maybe I have never been in a relationship and meant to be alone...Sigh my sad life.But coming to the topic to those who has an ex
I would say NO.I have seen alot and it's just doesn't work.Usually when a break-up occurs,One person wants it more than another. You broke up for a reason you're not compatible.If your compatible you would still be in a relationship.Being friends is silly because you have enough friends. You don't need to be friends with someone who you have been intimate with and if you got this idea from a movie dump that down.Movies are meant to be away from reality
Some may stay friends with their ex just to show how successful they can be then their ex in finding a new partner.Please don't do that stop involving another person into your drama hole.You are not in love with your new partner but you are just trying to make your ex jealous.It's totally different
Some wanted to be nice with their ex by being friends because your ex is having a rough time overcoming the breakup.Pls don't,you are just giving them another reason to be dependant on you and it will make it even harder for them to overcome once you are gone.They will learn to build themselves back and that will make them stronger then ever
But maybe you did maintain a friendship. Is this okay with your new relationship? It's weird and awkward for the new relationship because questions arise.You may start comparing your new partner with your ex and the problem starts again and your new partner might be wondering if you are talking to your 'ex' (your so-called 'friend')
This is a no win situation this is the way I see it and people out there are gonna be like "Pv you are totally wrong I'm BEST FRIEND with my ex.It's awesome and it's great" hmmm somebody is lying to somebody whatever but I'm sure you can be friends.There is always an ups and downs to everything.In my experience it doesn't work,in your experience who knows.This are not rules to live by and I have been proven wrong before
Thank you
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