How To Prepare For Your Final Exam (Pro 3)
1. You must have interest in Medicine,if not then don't waste your time reading the rest
2. Success formula is something you create for yourselve and it's different for each individual have your own style and way
3. List all the topics,list down all the topics you need to study and prepare a timetable for it and don't miss any topics.Listing the topic gives you a rough idea on how much you need to cover and you won't miss anything
4. Act on the timetable,timetable without action is useless like a handphone with no simcard so work on your timetable and do check list so you can see your progress.If you have 25 topics (obviously no it's medicine but for example) then try to cover it in 8 days.Do 3-5 topics in a day and give a rest day (don't overload)
5. Common cases,I should bold the whole line because this is so important.Memorise in and out all common case don't leave any cases,cover all don't be over confident and the rare cases need to cover too,don't go for exam with empty info regarding any case make sure you know something about everything
6. Physical examination, practice alot and don't miss any steps,ask your friend to comment on your PE and repeat the cycle.Practise PE in 7 minutes because short cases will be 10 minutes but in exam you need sometime to build rapport with patient and some patient might be non compliance.Cover all the patient in the ward.Perform techniques correctly wash hands, button, chaperone, curtains, bring ALL EQUIPMENTS (better. If not, need to borrow from ward staffs, consume time), consent, greet, intro urself to ptn, intro doc to ptn, stand AT RIGHT SIDE OF PTN!!!
7. BST,this is your golden time use it wisely.All the info our doctors give is what they expect in exam and they are speaking from experience which we can't get from any books.Try to cover most of the cases in bst and don't repeat cases and discuss rare cases too.Try to reach management if possible complication and management for complication.They tell you the important points to focus during exam and give you an idea about what questions that will be asked during exam.USE IT WISELY!!!
8. Memorising,memorising is bad but in medicine it is very much needed,know all the normal values (if possible) and don't forget vital signs.Dosage no need la even if you try in exam you will forget and not knowing dosage won't fail you
9. Hutang,the hutang I meant is not the along wan it means if you have to cover 20 topics in medicine make sure you finish all 20 during medicine don't cover 18 and bring forward 2.This forward will later burden you,so finish it off on the spot and don't forget
10. Study group,this is optional.If you are the type who study alone then proceed but study group is advised as you guys can discuss topics and share ideas.You don't have to do it with your friends,find people who suits your way of studying.If you are a quick learner then find a group that moves fast and vice versa.Choose precisely and don't end up talking and watching movies
11. Goreng,this tool is usefull.Make sure you have good reasoning for your answer but don't bullshit or fight.Practice your communication.Getting a WRONG DIAGNOSIS WON'T FAIL YOU but get it in the differential diagnosis and give reasons for your diagnosis and answers
12. Do not lie,don't lie during exam.Doctor knows about the case better then you.Be honest and giving wrong answers are better then lying.Don't put the blame on other doctors like this doctor teach me this and ask me to do this NO...your reference should be from a written book certified by medical school exp davidson or macleod
13. Revision class,this is the time doctor will narrow down the scope and tell you where to focus,some may give out tips.So watch out.Do attend
14. Past Year Papers,don't waste time on it.None of the questions will be repeated but you may look at it to see how they ask question but no repetition.
15. Seniors,they are one of your important tools.Ask them all your doubts or enquiry.You may even ask notes and guidance they are willing to help.Try to maximise from them
16. Finish early,don't keep it all for last minute as you will be panicked so try to finish early and give break for yourself before exam as you need full energy
17. Depression,this is common as you are nearing exam because the time gets shorter and you will try to recall what you learnt and you will forget.Don't get frustated or depressed you may not recall now as you are not in action but during exam you will recall.If you wanna overcome depression visit PvBlogs to check "How to overcome depression"
18. Health,keep your health in optimum and take care of yourself.You need good health to perform and study.during exam time take extra caution try to avoid trauma,food poisoning,dengue,fever and etc.Sleep well, eat well, rest well, exercise well. If you feel stress, find someone to talk to. Take care of your health and mental fitness
19. Pray everyday,you maybe from any religion but this is what all will agree.Pray alot and keep faith,trust me you will need it alot
20. All the best,at the end of the day whatever happens do your best and give your best and leave the rest to the Almighty
This are the few tips I think you need to prepare for your final exams.Take them serious and apply it. Hope it helped.I also included the complete syllabus for Year 3,4,5 (all postings including lecture,seminar,tutorial,tips and tricks and etc).Download from the links below
Instrument for Pro3
Notes for Pro 3
Year 3 syllabus
Year 4 syllabus
Year 5 syllabus
What happens on Pro 3 day
Thank You
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